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Introducing AgView

A contact-tracing platform to help mitigate the spread and damage caused by a potential foreign animal disease outbreak in the U.S. swine herd.
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Secure Pig Movement with AgView

AgView is a tool that enables swift and efficient responses to potential foreign animal disease outbreaks. It allows producers of all sizes and types to to securely share location and pig movement data with state animal health officials to rapidly contain disease threats and determine where the disease is or is not present.

AgView promotes business continuity for America’s pig farmers by uniquely making disease traceback and pig movement data available to the USDA and state animal health officials on day one of a foreign animal disease.


$50 Billion Economic Impact

According to a 2020 study  completed by economists at Iowa State University, the economic impact of a hypothetical African swine fever (ASF) outbreak could cost the pork industry more than $50 billion over 10 years.


How it works

When permissioned by producer-users, AgView can provide real-time health status plus site and pig movement data from participating farms to state animal health officials.


This information will aid in the response of a suspected or confirmed foreign animal disease. These features could help the pork industry rapidly contain or regionalize a potential foreign animal disease outbreak.


AgView uses much of the same data required by participants in the nation’s Secure Pork Supply plan, but connects the dots and leverages the information for actionable intelligence in a manner that allows state veterinarians, producers and others to make sound decisions quickly.

How it works
Data Sharing

AgView collects producer data prior to an incident and securely stores it. They can visualize and manage their operations. 

Movement Tracking

The system ties all farm premises and pig movements back to producer owners for precise tracking.

Incident Management

In the event of an outbreak, State Animal Health Officials requests data from producers if they are potentially at risk.

App Integrations

In the event of an outbreak, State Animal Health Officials requests data from producers if they are potentially at risk.

Foreign Animal Disease Outbreak Preparation

With enough voluntary participants, AgView will help the pork industry to rapidly contain or regionalize an FAD outbreak. This will help restore safe pork exports and get business back to as close to normal as possible more quickly.


Participating producers should regularly input animal health information, which then they can choose to share when requested by state veterinarians during an FAD outbreak. This will allow the state animal health officials to better respond in an outbreak through rapid contact tracing and containment measures.


With AgView and producer permission, animal health officials get rapid and accurate visualization of relevant pig movement data and diagnostic disease test results to create visibility, accountability and trust during an FAD event.


What the Pork Industry is saying....

“AgView reduces risk because it allows us to trace animal movements and will help us contain a foreign animal disease and reopen export markets faster.”

Scott Phillips | Phillips Family Farms | Missouri

“In unstable times, we need certainty. AgView can provide this to our operations and help us overcome a foreign animal disease disaster.”

Seth Krantz, DVM | Tosh Farms | Tennessee

“AgView establishes a single ‘gathering spot’ for producer-controlled data that will help create a more unified and faster response to a foreign animal disease.”

Heidi Vittetoe | JWV Pork | Iowa

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